Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Katie Cat Top

Last year, I decided that I was getting tired of buying cheap clothes that lasted one wear before they start to shrink or fall apart on me.  Dresses are the worst when it comes to shrinking...tall woman problems. 
Not having a lot of money to spend on high-quality clothing, I made the decision that I needed to start dealing with my clothing problem to the best of my ability.  

With not much thought, I decided that I would make my own clothes.  I'm surrounded by beautiful fabrics every day that not only can be used for quilts but clothing as well and I know two highly intelligent women who know a thing or two on how to make garments so... why not? 
I started by designing a sleeveless crop top that buttons on both sides. 
Then I roped my mom into helping me figure out how to make it. 

And BABAMM! I now have a top that won't shrink or fall apart on me in the near future.  A top that I can happily say I made myself.

Let's make this the bee's knees.