Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Row by Row Experience 2018

Catskill Cats

The Row by Row Experience is basically the ultimate scavenger hunt for quilters. 

It's a quilt shop program where stores can drum in new business and quilters to their area.  

How it works is that each quilt shop designs, creates, and writes up a pattern for a specific sized row.  A picture of your row and a little blurb about it are then posted to the Row by Row Experience website and facebook group.  During a set time during the summer, quilters can then travel to your shop and pick up your row pattern for free or buy your row kit.  It takes 8 rows to make a quilt.  The first quilter who makes a quilt with 8 different rows can then submit the quilt to any shop who doesn't have a winner yet and get a prize.  

      "Quilt made by our winner, Ruth"

Once fall hits, shops can start to sell their patterns.  Our pattern is available for purchase at my Etsy store KonversingKate or in our store Bloom, located in Margaretville, New York. 

Last year was our first year in part taking in the Row by Row.  The theme was Sew Musical.  In honor of the Catskill Mountains and bluegrass, I decided that our row would be musical cats playing in the mountains. 

Get it cats in the Catskills?!

I've never tried my hand at quilting with solids before I started this project and thought that it would be interesting to make the majority of the row out of solids.

The fun thing about doing the Row by Row is that quilters can use whatever fabrics they want to make their row. 

I wanted our row to contain different sewing techniques.  I came up with a background that is simply sewn together to give the impressions of mountains.  On top of this, I added appliqued cats with instruments and garments.  Then to give a little extra Catskill advertising, I embroidered "Create in the Catskills" above the cats. 

Let's make this the bee's knees.